-- card: 16678 from stack: in.'90AMUG News™ -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 3780 -- name: -- part 16 (field) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=236 top=43 right=317 bottom=506 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 2 -- text size: 10 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 13 -- part name: -- part 18 (field) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=10 top=43 right=317 bottom=237 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 2 -- text size: 10 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 13 -- part name: -- part 19 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A003 -- rect: left=240 top=281 right=303 bottom=340 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Disk Listing ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp Show cd fld "Disk listing" end mouseUp -- part 20 (field) -- low flags: 81 -- high flags: 0007 -- rect: left=135 top=69 right=262 bottom=399 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 2 -- text size: 10 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 13 -- part name: Disk listing ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp hide me set scroll of me to 0 end mouseUp -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- 65 -- part contents for background part 8 ----- text ----- ................................................By Tom Deasey -- part contents for background part 9 ----- text ----- Disk By Mail -- part contents for card part 16 ----- text ----- •• Best Sounds Disk I •• Best Sounds Disk II •• Best Sounds Disk III •• Best Sounds Disk IV •• Best PostScript Clips Disk I •• Best PostScript Clips Disk II •• Best Laser Fonts Disk I •• Best Laser Fonts Disk II •• Best Clip Art Disk I •• Best Clip Art Disk II •• Best Clip Art Disk III •• Best Clip Art Disk IV •• Best Clip Art Disk V •• Best Clip Art Disk VI •• Best Game Disk I •• Best Games Disk II •• AMUG BBS Files -- part contents for card part 18 ----- text ----- ••Best Business Disk •• Best Virus Protection Disk •• Best HyperCard Disk I •• Best HyperCard Disk II •• Best HyperCard Disk III •• Best CDEV/INIT Disk I •• Best CDEV/INIT Disk II •• Best CDEV/INIT Disk III •• Best Mac II Disk •• Best DA Disk I •• Best DA’s Disk II •• Best TeleCommunation Disk I •• Best TeleCommunation Disk II •• Best Utilities Disk •• Best Teach Tools Disk I •• Best Teach Tools Disk II •• Best Teach Tools Disk III •• Best Teach Tools Disk IV •• Best Teach Tools Disk V •• Best Sounds Disk III •• Best Sounds Disk IV •• Best PostScript Clips Disk I •• Best PostScript Clips Disk II •• Best Laser Fonts Disk I •• Best Laser Fonts Disk II •• Best Clip Art Disk I •• Best Clip Art Disk II •• Best Clip Art Disk III •• Best Clip Art Disk IV •• Best Clip Art Disk V •• Best Clip Art Disk VI •• Best Game Disk I •• Best Games Disk II •• AMUG BBS Files -- part contents for card part 20 ----- text ----- BUSINESS Date Key Logger.sit Set Clock 2.0 InfoMaker Network Clock (ClockSynch) Stuffit 1.5.1 Excel Templates.sit All the following are Excel templates Anesthesia APOD 1.8 Arranger 1.5 Business Failure Test Cellular Phones Closing Costs CSFERS09.EXL EE Bond Excel Budget Excel Compound Interest Investor - RE MacBIB v3.1 Mac Qualify VO.58 MacQualify Macro MortAmtMSv4.0 Payroll Remove Password Realtor Schwab Talkback Demo VIRUS Vaccine™ V1.0.1 DetectWDEFVirus Disintectant 1.8 Eradicator 1.52 Gatekeeper Aid 101 GateKeeper 111 Guard Dog 2.3 Interferon 3.1 Virus Encyclopedia Virus Rx1.6 VirusDetective™4.0.2a HYPERCARD Deprotect Dinosaurs.sit iConcepts Lunar Lander MacSlot Rise & Fall of ... ShutDown Stack The Pick! Tiles HYPERCARD II Easy Labels -VHS MacSpeedo 1.9.5 MiniFinders Stack Modem Commands ResCopy 4.0 The Constitution HYPERCARD III CatStuff EditString Eject Disk HyperCheck MacBooks QuickCompact ScriptView ScrollBar StackScan 1.3 HYPERCARD IV 800 Numbers AMUG NewsBytes Bartender CapIt XFCN.No Installer Deprotect DiskManager 1.03 Due Date Calculator FindFile XFCN Gestalt XCMD GetMounted Vols Paint PICT XCMD Progress XCMD 1.1 Studio US Set XCMD 1.1 CDEV/INIT Big Pat BoomerRang 2.0 Broadcast 1.2 Choose DCEV™ DA Menu Dawn 2.0 Earth 1.0 Envy 2.1 F1F4v1.3 Fish! Front & Center Icon Color 1.5 IconWrap InUse INIT CDEV 3.0 Kolor MacsBug Moire 3.02 Pik-a-Pat Popup 2.0 Preview Q Folder RAM Disk CDEV Scrap Saver ScreenMaster SCSIProbe SFScroll INIT SFVol INIt 1.5 SuperClock 3.0 Vaccine™ v 1.0.1 WindowShade 1.1 CDEV/INIT II Apple800K Eject BeepShuffle Cursor Animator 1.0 FinderSounds 1.21 FlashWrite Lip Service MacinTalk MaxApple 1.2 PopChar Scroll 2 v2.0 SunDesk Folder TypeIt4Me VoiceBox 1.2.1 CDEV/INIT III Big Cheese Chime 3.3 Color Finder CrossLaunch DiskDoubler 2.03 ExtraColor 1.2 Flipper Folder FolderShare ForceMount MacPlus/030 MaxFiles MemINIT 0.91 Mouse CDEV QuickSpool ScreenMaster Set Paths 1.0b2 SGil ZoomBar Zorba MAC II Giffer 1.06 Kolor NTSC F-Key Snap 2.1 Vision Lab Icon Colorizer MacIISlot Tools Screen to Pict II Video Out DA’s Address Book 2.5 Airports AmortDA+ AppleTalk View Artisto 2.01 Calendar 2.1 DAbase DA v1.4 DiskLock™ Go-Go! Hex Calc Klutz 1.0 LockOUT™ v1.3 MemroMeter 3.0 Message MockPackage+ Pinouts DA Postal Codes QDial 1.6 RoadAtlas Stars 1.7 Tax ‘89 ∑Ediit DA’s II ASCI DA folder Conversion DA DAFont 2.1 DeskZap 2.0b11 Dialer 1.0b2 Easy Envelopes MaxFiles MiniWriter 1.6 MoonGlass 1.0 Net Chat 1.1 Quoter ResEdit Rolodesk Ver 2.0 RoloEdit DA Simpson Clock Color SoundPlay SysErrTable 2.7 TELECOM 9600HST$50 AMUG BBS Copernicus Review MCS 1.1 Newsbytes.sit Stuffit 1.51 ZTerm85 TELCOM II Disk Doubler 2.03 Evolutions GEnieDL’er RR 9.4+ Docs RRHSSList UTILITIES Alias 1.01.sit Backdrop.sit Chime 3.3.sit Disk Librarian.sit Duplicator.sit Floppy Fix.285 FKey Collector Layout.sit MacSnoop.sit PowerOut v1.02.sit RamDisk 2.08.sit ResEdit.sit Stuffit 1.5.1 Where‘s it.sit To MultiFinder.sit TEACH TOOLS I Class Administrator Congress Constitution of US HyperFlash HyperQuiz MacN States Mad Math Minute Neurotour Pcal TEACH TOOLS II EasyLabels - VHS Gradebook HangMan 9.0 HomeCheck 2.0.1 LetterWriter 1.12 Neuron Action Pot .5 SD Gradebook Spelling StTeacher SuccessNotes TEACH TOOLS III Animal Year Calculator H(vapor) Meso Ocular Anatomy Tutor RPN Calculator Southwest Roads SpeechWriter SpellTest Spies TEACH TOOLSIV HyperHawaii 1.0 MathAdv MESTROSTK Mr. Potatohead TEACH TOOLS V Arizona Time Piece Astronomical Events AstroStack 1.1 Band Library Eliza 1.5 Full Moon Grid Walker Music Teacher Note StarChart Stars Q&A SOUNDS Soundmaster 1.6 Arcade Bells of Eternity Beetlegeuse Boom! Oooooh…! Butthead! ”Bye” Drum Female “Hi!” Game over, man! Had enough, ay! Hi There I order you to be... I’m being repressed I warned you Insert Disk Jazz Piano K.Letmeoutahere Klaxon Nice Software Personality Prob. Parker Night Puke Ricochet Robotic Samba Sonar Space Gun Taunt you a second Tympani Roll TypeKey TypeReturn Type Space Welcome SOUNDS II Soundmaster 1.6 Amadeus Bassoon & ‘Bone Better Boing Bing Breaking Glass Casio (try me) Clint Eastwood Don’t go yet… Drop of Water Go ahead, make my Have you been studying? Laughing Warning Tennis? Tympani (2) What do we have SOUNDS III Soundmaster 1.6 Deep Thought Eddie Computer Horses Idiot! MacFart Ta Ta for now Self Destruct… Sledge Flute Wild Willy Yeah, Yeah, That’s SOUNDS IV Soundmaster 1.6 Change Your Mind Crash! Don’t be ridicerous End of Line (2) Go ahead… Greetings Program! How do you feel Illegal Exit Keaggy beep Look up in the sky… Magic (2) Nyuk Nyuk Samba So Very Disappointed This Chic Is Toast Trying to think Welcome What??? WOOBWOOB Yabba Dabba Do YYYYessss POSTSCRIPT Alex.eps Butterfly (AI) Ironman (f) Jessica! Live!.eps Michelle Art (AI) POSTSCRIPT II Chaplin (f) Fleur-de-lis (f) Groucho Duck.eps Illus. Lions (AI) Mona Lisa (AI) Monroe Totem (AI) Opus (AI) Page Art.eps Rodeo Clown Totem Tiger (AI) Tokyo Mic & Min LASER FONTS Antipar ArchiMed Beatsville Belsley/Bartholomew BillDing Cheq Cunei Faustus Grey Helvetica HelvFractions Hi-Lo-Med Laser London MoonLite OCR LaserFNT LASER FONTS II Lafitte Princeton Rodchenko Shpfltnat 1.5 Sinaloa Stalingrad Thomas CLIP ART AllVfaces 1 Base Bill the Cat Donald gets MAD Falcon Cliff Opus Relaxes Order and Chaos Out of Order Paper Doll Party Time Passover Pooh PresDay Rexbo Ronnie Regan Santa Sleigh Ride St. Peters, Rome Super Bloom Super Bario Tablet Cars Thanksgiving The Art Gallery The Frog and the Princess Tibetan Creatures TOONS US Map Sample Valentines Werewolf (Vallejo) White House Women’s Faces Wood Panel Xmas Scan Xmas Tree CLIP ART II 4th of July Alf Any Key? Architecture Be my Valentine Black Beauty Bloom County Bugs Car Logos Chester Cheeta Clip Art Demo CSF “take this” Disney Clip Art #1 DK1ART Dragon Escher Garfield on Stage Globe with Hand Hacker 4 House Blocks Illusions #1 Inside MacPaint Key West Liar’s Club Little Red Riding Hd Madonna Max Headroom Meacham/Mofford Mickey and Minnie Nature Nerd Comic II New SE Motherboard Ollie confesses CLIP ART III 16 Dragon A/V Tape Labels ALF Apple Components Apple Computers Artoo BatFace Billboards Bird City 2.0 Bloom Picts Bouquets Bullies ChrisGehlker’s Collection Dragon 2 Dragon Wins Easter Egret & Gorilla Eight Heads Einstein Elvis Escher Escher Dragon Fishing Flowers 1 Flowers 2 Flowers 3 Frazetta “Lord of the Rings” Glove “I” Large Scroll Library Mac Dali Man/Dragon Music St. Basil’s CLIP ART IV Caution #2 Animals BackAlley Bear/Raccoon Billboard (f) Camping General Grimm #1 Grimm #2 Gurgi Hacker Headrest Headroom Hit on Head Horse Illusions #3 Jack in Box Kids Little Xmas MacPix Mac Lectic MacWife #2 Madonna #2 Misc Murray & Ackroyd Panda Political Cartoon Pussy Rhinoceros Snoopy CLIP ART V Chester Cheeta Clip Art folder Comics DataLoss Disk Art Edison Egyptian FishTank GahanWilson Courtroom Hudson‘12/Ford‘13 Kamikaze Bees Lighthouse Lion Mac Model Miscellaneous More Xmas (TNA) More Youth Graphics Mr. Bill Star Trek CLIP ART VI Digiclips DW Sampler #1 Famous Artists Holiday Art Hollywood Art Hollywood II Nautilus Trekies GAMES Air Hockey Cairo Shootout Hangman MacPong II MacBandit 1.2 Oids Demo PNuke Rock Paper Scissors Stunt Copter Tank Commander GAMES II AZ Lottery Beast 1.2 Glider 2.02 GreyHounds GunShy 1.0 Puzz’l Race Folder Reversi Scarab of RA Social Climber KIDS KLIPS Alf Alf 2 Bart Simpson Batman Betty Boop BOZO Calvin & Hobbes Calvin 4 Calvins Casper Chipmonks Dick Tracy Donald Duck Donald & Daisy Fantasia (color PICT) Garfield (3) Goofy at Bat Gumby Hobbes Jessica Rabbit Lone Mick Mickey Mouse (3) Mr. Magoo Rocky, Flying Squirrel\ Simpsons Sleeping Snoopy Smurf Folder Snoopy & Mac Snoopy Skiing Squirrel Skating Superman Sylvester Uncle Scrooge Yoda